Master Of Chiaroscuro
Statement Critics Curriculum Paintings Sculptures
Noble was born in 1947 in Sucre in Colombia and from an early age was fascinated by the richness of the abundant nature that he found in the countryside around him. He soon grew up and emigrated to the big city - Bogotá. There he began to work and created many successful business including an art dealership. But after two decades destiny lead him to paint and create in his sculptures all that he felt in his infancy - the beauty of the nature and culture abundant within his country.
Noble searches to integrate in his work all that is happiness, youthful, nature, ecology, culture and life. All that is Colombia ! His designs on canvas and the form defined in his sculptures reflect his beliefs, his way of life, his desire to, in the simplest way, express his soul through his art.
Noble, behind the apparent simplicity of his works, hides the depth of the details of his technique, self-taught, which - without a doubt - will create a new artistic school in the country of his birth.
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